care of
Male Restroom Etiquette
Next Fest 2006: Automatic Door
care of
Weird Al’s White & Nerdy
Sorry Google Video Appears to have disapeared.
Are You Shy?
Do you have feelings of inadequacy? Do you suffer from shyness? Do you sometimes wish you were more assertive?
PS3 vs Wii Parody, Just like the Apple vs PC Ads But Awesomer
This is Awesome!!! Now I almost wast a Wii….NOT!
update: video was removed from
Land Walker!
I just saw this on It looks so freaking awesome! This is what I want for christmas.
1984 Macintosh Commercial! :)
I just found this on and thought it was worth sharing. 🙂
I’ve Moved My Stuff out and I’m at my new Apartment, I’ve got a 3 bedroom apartment with 2 roommates. If you’d like to get in touch with me drop me an email ‘jay(at)’ I’ll have to pull out the isight and get some photo’s posted at some point…(been so busy moving in and what not)….
I moved! yeah…I’m moved…well kinda…somewhat…well…i’m not at my house…i’m at my apartment….so yeah… I’m moved… 🙂
so yeah we have power… a day early!
and hot water… a day late!
and cable/internet today at 8 F-ing am 🙁 and a day late!
so yeah…now i just need things more than my furniture.